Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Reflection on meeting a beautiful woman

When I was around 13 (before becoming jaded and cynical) I met a girl (a woman by my reckoning she was around 18) to me was so beautiful she was frightening. Thing was she knew it too, so she walked with an air of confidence that added on to the intimidation, and when she said your name….PHEW planets changed their course! Something reminded me about that experience of meeting her and being so awed at the same time. Remembering my experience with this beautiful woman reminded me that in many ways while we may all wish to have a personal experience with the divine and see heaven or have God directly speak to us, we must not that desire undermine our understanding of the perfection of Creator and our own imperfection. Similarly remembering how I felt fortunate to have someone I was awed by talk to me and engage in a few minutes of conversation how much more I must savour brotherhood with Jesus who in glorification shall make all knees to bow and tongues confess. - Funny the things you think about at 5:30am

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"When I Scream Chopper it aint a Helicopter"

When a helicopter flys over head, the wind picks up, the earth shakes, and your ears are inundated with the sound of the swirling blades and displaced air. Helicopters have many uses, from the enemy soldier their iconic sound could be a herald of doom, to the man lost in the wilderness their sound of salvation. They’re amazing, useful and rightfully so and represent man’s mastery over nature. With that background I understand why Thomas Wahome Njuguna chose to name his church that odd as it may sound. However this is clearly a church to avoid, court case here disqualifies this man immediately from being a church leader (a mantle which he claims by with the title bishop), this isnt me the "hater" who says, its said in scripture here, here, and here . It is not the court case I'll admit cases can be frivilous so much as his very own admissions.

Interestingly enough the fact that he’s not qualified for the job makes the rest of what I'm about to say quite unnecessary, but sadly we're in a position where it must be said, dude is charging people for prayers and miracles I hear for ordinary people its 5k ( roughly USD 50), and for prominent folk it is 25k ( about USD 250), in the newspaper his wife claims that's been his practice. The dude is a modern Simon the sorcerer, and a wolf in Sheep’s clothing. I would have spent more time exposing his ministry for what it is, a grand hustle; but I think the simple fact is he doesn’t meet the qualification for leadership makes it clear that everyone should steer clear. There’s no real surprise that he’s off on something heretical and needs to repent. No reasonable person with the choice would go to a surgeon who does not meet the standards stipulated for that vocation for an operation even if the surgeon has a few successes. So why are such risks taken when it comes to our spiritual lives. Not say that preacher must have attained M-Divinity from Westminster theological seminary to be qualified, but even if they're are an "untrained" pastor we should know who they sat under and learned from, and who influences their theology. The same kind of background checking we do when deciding where to bank, what doctor to visit seems to be lacking when it comes to spiritual matters. Let us not be deceived by apparent miracles, even pharaoh’s magicians using the power of demons managed to replicate some God’s miracles, that reminds us that miracles and prophecy aren’t the primary evidence, Furthermore we're warned by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:9 (ESV) that "The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders." Miraculous signs including prophecy and healing are not proof of right faith, right faith is demonstrated through works as stipulated in James. I'm confident that charging those in need of prayer and healing does not fit within the frame work of what James wrote.
I really hope and pray that this dude stops his practice of charging for prayers and miracles, if indeed he was given this gift by God then he should use it the same way it was given to him - Freely. I also hope he repents of this and if able, returns money taken.

Semper Reformanda